Liron Lapid Pickman, Marc Gelkopf and Talya Greene, Date01/01/2018


How do we feel day-to-day during a conflict? How do war stressors affect our emotions? And in what way is this different for people with mental illness?

We examined these questions during Operation Protective Edge, among people with or without mental illness exposed to rocket fire.

We found that following rocket warning sirens, positive emotions decreased and negative emotions increased among all participants. People with mental illness don’t appear to be more emotionally reactive to sirens.


Lapid Pickman, L., Gelkopf, M., & Greene, T. (2018, January). Emotional reactivity during conflict: An experience sampling study of exposure and mental health status. ePoster presented at the 5th International Conference on Preparedness & Response to Emergencies & Disasters (IPRED), 14-17 January 2018, Tel Aviv, Israel.

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